
It is a spectacular project works implemented, successfully, for the first time, after a century- old-continuous-experiments, carried out by various agencies, in Kolar Gold Fields-sand tailing dumps. Finally, during the period of 1980 to 1989 and 1994 to 1997, growing vegetation- (scientifically), on the sand tailing dumps, was taken-up, achieving anticipated results, to the fullest satisfaction of the worlds eminent environmental experts, integrated biotechnological experts, United Nations UNDP experts, integrated micro-watershed experts and environmental authorities of different nations, including the experts from professional universities, advanced scientific research institutions, within the country and from all over the world. They have personally, visited the above project works, time to time, giving their scientific - based suggestions and opinions( their reports, photographs with signatures are enclosed herewith for reference).
All the continuous efforts, for a century old problem of dust pollution, compelled to find a permanent solution. Instantly, it was, decided, to take-up the above project works, through Integrated biotechnological, and "insitu" Micro-watershed approach,( since the area is vast and difficult to take up irrigation programme, hence, dry cultivation methods and techniques were adopted),-as there is a continuous havoc, during rainy seasons and windy seasons from the micro- particulates of the sand tailing.
In this direction, a pioneering-feat has been achieved,(successfully, arresting the tailing sand micro-particulates, blowing out into the atmosphere, during windy seasons, leaching into water-sources during rainy seasons)by growing suitable varieties of vegetations, in different- multitier-canopies, including vegetative ground covers, ( as windbelts, shelterbelts, greenbelts, with summer flowering, winter flowering, fruit yielding species to attract birds populations, fire hardy species, to contain fire hazards, useful timber, fibre, medicinal products yielding, soil-binding species, on the truncated-top and the side-slopes of the sand tailing dumps), raising a sustainable woodlands, ensuring, productive, protective, aesthetically acceptable, environment was created, on the entire dumps, against the dust pollution hazards, as a sustainable, permanent solution,-adopting dry cultivation techniques. ( these micro-particulates, from the sand tailing dumps, said to be causing, not only dust nuisance, but also pulmonary diseases, like neumenoconsis/ silicosis, breath-arrests etc., -whenever an individual inhales the airborne, micro-particulates-which is less than five micron in size,-enters, freely, into the pulmonary system,-even otherwise, of a very healthy- person,-during the course of natural breathing-process ).
In this regard, International experts, expressed their satisfaction, accepting the above project works, as one of the best effective programme of work in the world( with highest international standards), carried out, in the world famous, Kolar Gold Fields, sand tailing dumps (their views, scientific opinions, photographs with their signatures are enclosed herewith for reference). They have suggested(their scientific views, opinions), to extend the above project works, beyond the borders of this country to the benefit of mankind and the mining-environment-world, in particular. The artist of this pioneering successful project works,-( with forty two years of field work experience) is- Mr. Udyavar Vamanjoor Beeramoideen, a multidisciplinary, an environmental field expert, senior- class one-gazetted-rank-forest officer(retd), dry-cultivation technique expert, field expert on implementation of the project works, field work adviser/ field consultant, officers and field staff training specialist, field demonstrator, for the above Environmental Pollution Control Project Works. He will be available(on this website, email address, mobile phone, land-lines),-for any discussions, project formulations, planning, consultations, field visits, field observations, mutual discussions, opinions, exchanging of experiences and information on technical, integrated biotechnological/"insitu"-micro watershed-bio-technological implementation techniques(to take up turnkey project works independently and single handedly, anywhere in the world), at any time.